Як увімкнути доповнення в XCOM 2

How to Enable & Use the Console in XCOM 2

XCOM 2 is an awesome game, but sometimes things can bug out, or gameplay can get boring. The console is a great way to fix these problems, regardless of whether you need to literally fix something, or if you want to spice up gameplay, or skip past a certain mission or point in the game.

This guide will take you through the basics of the console in XCOM 2. Use the links below to jump to a particular point in the guide:

How to Enable the XCOM 2 Console

The console is enabled via the -allowconsole launch option. The way launch options are added depends on whether you’re playing the game through Steam or not.


If you’re playing XCOM 2 on Steam, the process to enable the console is relatively simple. First, open up Steam and go to your “Library” (top left, next to “Store”). Then, right click XCOM 2 and select “Properties”, as illustrated below:

After opening up the Properties Window, click “Set Launch Options. “, and enter the following into the box:

After typing that into the launch options box, hit OK. Below is an image of what the launch options box should look like:

After adding the launch option, the console is enabled. See How to Use the XCOM 2 Console below for help opening and using it after loading up the game.

You can optionally add -log (for a log window to open with the game) or -autodebug (to enable debug options for the game as well).

Non-Steam Versions

Enabling the XCOM 2 console on non-Steam versions of the game is just as easy as doing it through Steam. First, you’ll want to navigate to the location you installed the game to, which is probably at C:\Program Files\XCOM 2 or C:\Program Files (x86)\XCOM 2 , then head to the following folder:

When in that folder, right click ModLauncherWPF.exe (it may display as just “ModLauncherWPF”) and create a shortcut, see the below picture for help:

After creating the shortcut, right click the shortcut (not the original file) and click “Properties”. In the properties menu add -allowconsole to the end of the target text box (with a space before), as is displayed in the below image:

After doing that, hit “Apply”, and close out of the properties window. Then launching XCOM 2 from the newly created shortcut will launch the game with the console enabled.

If you have a shortcut on your desktop, or another location, you can instead add the launch option in the target field to that shortcut, and then the game will have the console enabled when you open it from that shortcut.

How to Use the XCOM 2 Console

The console in XCOM 2 can be opened by pressing one of the following keys on your keyboard (depends on keyboard layout):

  • ~ (tilde)
  • ‘ (single quote, works on UK keyboards)
  • \ (backslash, opens small console in bottom of screen)

You can close the console by pressing ESC , or the same key you opened it with.

Using the console is pretty simple, simply type a console command into the console and hit ENTER to send it.

Sometimes commands require arguments, these are extra words or numbers you add to a command to tell it what to do. All arguments are separated by spaces. An example of a command with an argument is the giveactionpoints [amount] command. In this command [amount] is an argument – it tells the command how many action points to add. If you were to replace [amount] with 5, the command would be giveactionpoints 5 – this would add 5 action points.

If you’re looking for commands to use with the console, check out our comprehensive list of all commands in the game by clicking the button below:

That’s all there is to enabling and using the console in XCOM 2. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on Twitter @ConsoleCMDs.

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XCOM 2 Ukranian localization : XCOM 2 Українською

Этот предмет добавлен в ваши подписки. Некоторые игры придётся перезапустить перед тем, как предмет будет загружен.

This is Ukrainian text localization for XCOM 2. Without DLC’s and Addons.
Translation Process was fun and engaging. XCOM 2 russian fonts don’t support “ї” and “є” symbols, so I was limited in my work. Before making comments about better translation, take this in consideration. Was trying my best to bring you quality localization.
To make this mod work you need to play XCOM 2 in russian language. English doesn’t suppport cyryllic characters.
If you started the game in English, you can’t continue your previous games. (They all be there, just change game language to English again.)
After downloading and activating this mod you’ll see that some translations are missing (ex. menu). There is nothing I can do. XCOM 2 loading mods too late and parts of translation is missing in the loading process.
In this case better to download files from “http://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2/mods/655” and replace original files.

    Let’s start:
  • Find a folder on your computer: “steam_folder\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Localization”
  • Backup “RUS” folder, so you can easily revert changes.
  • Download Ukrainian localization archive from here: http://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2/download/2221
  • Open archive and copy/overwrite it’s contents to “steam_folder\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Localization”

Once again:
This localization is adaptive-creative because XCOM 2 fonts don’t support “ї” and “є” symbols. But still it’s a quality work 🙂

Пропоную вашій увазі текстову Українізацію гри XCOM 2. Доповнення не перекладені, в мене їх немає.
Процес був досить цікавим та важким. Шрифти XCOM 2 не підтримують такі символи як “ї” та “є”, тому я вигадував синоніми, та переклав цю гру не використовуючи ці важливі літери. Тому, коли у Вас виникне бажання виправити щось, майте вище сказане на увазі. Гадаю вийшло досить добре.
Щоб працював цей мод треба використовувати Російську мову у грі. На жаль англійські шрифти не пітримують кирилицю.
Якщо Ви грали на Англійській мові, ви не зможете продовжити збережену гру. (Вона нікуда не подінеться, але Ви просто знову повинні включити англійську версію)
Якщо Ви скачаєте та встановите цей мод, тоді частина тексту все одно залишиться без перекладу (наприклад меню). Причина сама гра. Вона завантажує моди дуже пізно. І тому частина перекладу не завантажується.
Тому краще завантажити файли з “http://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2/mods/655” і замінити оригінали.

    Для цього:
  • Знайдіть на своєму комп’ютері теку: “Тека_стім\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Localization”
  • Збережіть теку “RUS” десь в іншому місці, або заархівуйте її. Щоб потім легко повернути російську локалізацію.
  • Завантажте архів української локалізації звідси: http://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2/download/2221
  • Відкрийте архів, та скопіюйте вміст до “Тека_стім\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Localization” з заміною файлів.

Ще раз повторюю:
Шрифти XCOM 2 не підтримують такі символи як “ї” і “є”, тому переклад адаптивно-креативний!

Предлагаю вашему вниманию текстовую Украинизацию игры XCOM 2. Дополнения не переведены, у меня их нет.
Процесс был достаточно интересным и сложным. Шрифты XCOM 2 не поддерживают символы “ї” и “є”, поэтому пришлось искать синонимы. Естественно игры была переведена без использования этих символов. Если у Вас будет желание посоветовать исправление, то имейте вышесказанное ввиду. В любом случае результат хороший.
Чтобы работал этот мод нужно использовать русский язык в игре. Очень жаль, но английский шрифт не поддерживает киррилицу.
Если Вы играли на английском языке, вы не сможете продолжить сохраненную игру. (Она никуда не денется, но нужно будет сменить язык на английский)
После скачивания и установки этого мода, часть текста останется не переведена (например меню). Причина в самой игре. Моды подгружаются очень поздно. Из-за этого часть мода остается не загруженным.
Поэтому лучше скачать файлы с “http://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2/mods/655” и переписать поверх.

    Для этого:
  • Найдите на своём компьютере папку: “Папка_стим\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Localization”
  • Сохраните папку “RUS” где-то в другом месте, либо заархивируйте её. Чтобы потом легко восстановить русскую локализацию.
  • Загрузите архив украинской локализации отсюда: http://www.nexusmods.com/xcom2/download/2221
  • Откройте архив и скопируйте содержимое в папку “Папка_стим\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Localization” с заменой файлов.

Еще раз повторю:
Шрифты XCOM 2 не поддерживают символы “ї” и “є”, поэтому перевод адаптивно-креативный.

13 Tips for Playing XCOM 2

XCOM 2 is a deep game, and as such, can be a bit overwhelming. We compiled a list of tips for use when starting out a game, to give you the best possible advantage going in. There’s tips here for everyone, and if you have your own, feel free to click that edit button and share with your fellow XCOM players!

Build up your Resistance Contacts

No matter how you plan to play, or the difficulty you’re on, contacting other regions should be one of your top priorities. You gain additional money for doing so, and also open up the chance to obtain region specific upgrades.

Most importantly though, you open up that region for potential missions. Alien Facility missions can spawn anywhere on the map, even in regions you can’t access. This can be a huge issue, and can even cost you your playthrough if you’re not careful. By having those Resistance Comms already established, you can expand your influence quickly and easily, preventing this scenario from ever happening.

The Black Market

In the previous game, you could sell various pieces of alien tech for money. The Black Market returns in XCOM 2, however now you can buy and sell to it. The items it offers are purchased using Intel, so you must purchase carefully, as it’s a very limited resource.

With that said, the Black Market often sells crafting items, weapon and character upgrades, as well as research boosters. They can be very handy in a jam, but again, be mindful of how much Intel you are spending.

A word of caution though. Selling stuff to the Black Market can leave you in a jam. Unlike the previous game, there are no items classified as damaged, or useless. That’s because many crafting components, and even alien corpses, can be used for many various upgrades and item purchases. For this reason, we suggest you only sell to the Black Market when you are in a very tight bind, and even then, try to sell only enough so you can scrape by.

To help prevent you from running short on upgrade materials, head over to our Weapons page to get an idea about what items are needed to complete each upgrade. Alternatively, check out the Utility Items or Armor pages to learn more about the requirements for them!

Getting the Best Avenger Upgrades

Much like the previous game, you can upgrade your base of operations. Depending on the difficulty you’re playing on, you should prioritize different upgrades. For instance, playing on the hardest setting means your units will be limping back from missions. Getting an Advanced Warfare Center early will help your troops heal from wounds much quicker.

We have a bunch of other Avenger specific tips! Head over to our Best Ways To Upgrade Your Avenger page to learn more.

Destroy Everything!

Battlefields are now filled with destructible objects. Nearly everything can be destroyed, or at the very least, damaged. This is a huge tool for the player, that can go largely unused if you don’t remember to utilize it!

Why’s it so important? Because your enemies can’t use cover if there’s none left to hide behind! Are you moving up on a well fortified enemy? Blow up their cover, and suddenly they lose all their bonuses, giving you a much greater chance to kill them. Remember though, this can be used against you, so be mindful of the thin walls and other objects you hide behind.

Taking that a step further, in XCOM 2, you can now blow up the floors your enemy stands on. Facing three ADVENT soldiers on top of a roof? Blow up the floor beneath their feet, and watch them come crashing down, taking damage from the explosion, and bonus fall damage. This is particularly useful against Turrets. If you blow up the floor a turret is sitting upon, it immediately dies. Talk about an easy one hit KO!

A Diverse Squad is a Successful Squad

Although it might sound like a great idea to have 6 Grenadier characters, it’s not very practical and leaves you lacking in other categories. There are a total of 5 classes, so to maximize your teams effectiveness, you should bring one of each class, then use the sixth slot for whatever extra character class you like most.

There are a lot of other tips for creating a great squad though, so head over to our How to Create the Best Squad in XCOM 2 page to learn more!

The Avatar Project Can Be Delayed, a lot!

Early on, you might feel rushed to complete the main missions, as the Avatar project is always creeping towards completion. However, with some careful planning, you can delay the project for a very long time, freeing up months of time for you to stock up on research and gear.

How do you do this? Each successful Alien Facility mission will drop the bar by at least a point, check the number of pips below the alien base in the map. Do them anytime they appear, once the bar reaches half way or above. Also, anytime you have a Guerrilla Ops to do, check the reward. Often times one will be to delay the project for weeks on end. Finally, completing main and side objectives, such as using the Skulljack can also drop it by a block. By utilizing these, you can keep the Avatar project from ever getting near completion, giving you ample time to research and unlock new stuff.

Use The Resistance HQ

Sometimes, when you have objectives on the map, it might seem like a bad idea to sit at your Resistance HQ. Shake those thoughts! The HQ is a great asset, and even when there’s aliens breathing down your neck, taking a day or two to use the HQ can give you a great boost.

The HQ can be used to gain Intel, or boost the rate at which you heal or build. The healing boost in particular is great, particularly on the higher difficulties where minimizing down time is essential. The building boost is also very strong, particularly early on when you’re struggling with a low engineer count. Getting a couple facilities up and running quickly can give you that early boost that helps you throughout your entire campaign.

Prioritize Intel, Scientists and Engineers

The game will often times present you with various rewards. Although getting Supplies might sound good, you want to prioritize getting Intel, Scientists and Engineers. The latter two are crucial to getting upgrades both for your troops and your base. The more you have, the faster you get the upgrades.

Intel on the other hand is used for directly purchasing upgrades from the Black Market. You can also use the Intel to unveil Dark Events each month, ensuring you always know exactly what is going on. Finally, Intel is used to establish links with new regions. Expanding to new regions is crucial to winning the game, so the more Intel you have, the faster you’ll be able to expand. It also has the added benefit of increasing the supply reward you get each month!

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